Thursday, November 20, 2008

December Ladies Lunch um... Breakfast!

Wednesday, December 3rd we'll have our December Ladies "Lunch" but actually have breakfast. This is such a busy time of year it's nice to have the blessing of fellowship, but then have the rest of your day afterwards to get some things done.

We'll meet at 9:30 a.m. at Village Deli in Wake Forest.

For more specific directions or a sneak peek at their menu, go to their website -

I hope we have a good number able to attend. Please either post a reply or e-mail Sarah if you're coming so we'll know who to wait for.

This is such a nice way to wrap up our year!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Ladies Movie Night - November 20th!

This coming Thursday, November 20th, we'll have our November ladies' movie night.

Katherine Batchelor will be our hostess. Thanks for opening your home to us!

We'll gather at 7:30 p.m. and start the movie at 7:45.

The Batchelor's address is 8426 Central Drive, Raleigh, NC 27613. MapQuest should give fine directions. Katherine may e-mail more specific ones too.
Their home number is 521-4172 if you need to contact them.

We're taking a vote on Elf or Christmas Vacation for our movie (We had previously voted on 4 movies but these tied. Please vote on what you vote on between these two.)

We're signing up to bring something - (I'll try to keep this updated)
Reply all to the original e-mail or reply to this post with what you want to bring.

Popcorn - Emily
Something salty - Carey
Something chocolate -
Drinks - Katherine
Ice - Katherine or Allison??
Cups - Allison
Paper Products - Sarah

What a fun time this will be!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Thanksgiving Feast - This Coming Saturday!

This coming Saturday, November 15th at 6 p.m. we'll have our class social at Nichole and Trevor Pratt's home. We'll have our covered dish Thanksgiving feast.

The Pratt's are also treating us to a fireside marshmallow roast and fun outside after we eat.

This is a social for the whole family.

Please see below what we have signed up for. If you are coming and haven't yet signed up, just post a reply to this with what you are planning on bringing. When cooking remember this is a large crowd. We have 12 families signed up so far!

The Pratt's address is 11216 Saddlewood Court, Raleigh, NC 27614 . You should be able to MapQuest their directions (Nichole or Trevor, if you want to send some more detailed directions, please either reply to my e-mail or post a reply on here). Their home number is 341-8480 if you have any questions.

Here's what we have coming so far -

Meat (we could use another meat, maybe a ham) - Venison (Bryant), Turkey (Moody)

Vegetable (we could also use some more veggies) - Potato Casserole (Littrell), Macaroni & Cheese (Moody), ? (John & Ruth), Sweet Potato Casserole (Neill)

Bread - Rolls (Humble), Cornbread (Bryant)

Dessert - Cherry Cranberry Pie (Hopper), ? (Whitt), ?(Tysor), ? (Carpenter)

Drink (we could use one more family bringing drinks)- Sweet Tea (Carpenter), ? (Graham)

Ice - Tysor

Paper Products - Bryant

Thanks again to the Pratt family for opening their home and hosting us!
We're looking forward to it!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Marbles - This Wednesday, November 5th!

This Wednesday, November 5th, we'll meet at 9:30a.m. at Marbles kid's museum downtown Raleigh.

When you get there, go ahead and pay and enter. We'll meet up at the first play area with the bus and post office area.

There is a lunch place nearby that we can eat (or bring a picnic lunch if you'd rather).
Please reply or e-mail Sarah if you're going.
This is such a fun place to go!!!

Here's the link to both places if you want/need more info.